The majestic environment where the trail leads is enhanced by the beautiful Nero Lake from whose waters the Brenta Group seems to emerge.
The entire route offers breathtaking views: Cornisello Lakes, Monte Giner, the Presanella massif, the Nero Lake, the lakes of Segantini, and, as mentioned, the Brenta Group, showing his entire western side. Val Nambrone, in addition to the numerous glaciers in its upper part is rich in glacial morphologies such as moraines, pools, lake, erratic boulders. On a mount, between Mandra Om and Vallina Amola, stands the refuge Giovanni Segantini, the best base for the climb to the top of the Presanella from the Rendena Valley. Through the Pass of Om, from Nero Lake, you can reach the two lakes Cornicello, placed in a wide glacial valley almost devoid of vegetation.
The extraordinary set of ponds that characterised this place is a sight not to be missed. The enchanting valley of Cornisello Lakes at northwest is closed in a semicircle from the slopes of the huge spiers of Cornisello, Scarpacò , di Bon and Giner summits. In the east a panoramic window remains open on the Nambrone Valley and on the group of the Brenta Dolomites.